English Language Learners (ELL)
The Board of Education strives to provide equal educational opportunities for all students in the district. The Kirkwood R-7 ELL Program exists to serve the needs of Limited English Proficient (LEP*) students who are unable to participate effectively in academic programs due to their LEP status. In order to support these students in developing the skills necessary to achieve challenging performance standards in a regular classroom, the administration has established procedures which:
- appropriately identify and evaluate students with LEP.
- determine the appropriate instructional environment for LEP students
- monitor the progress of students receiving ELL instruction in order to determine continuation and level of need of ELL services.
- establish professional standards for ELL staff members and provide development opportunities for staff members who work with LEP students.
- where feasible, the district may provide support for the students' use of the native language while developing English language skills.
* Limited English Proficient students are those whose native/home language is a language other than English and whose English language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing are not developed to a level at which they can achieve challenging performance standards in a regular classroom.