Counseling Corner
Nipher Code Words:
Compassion is our first code word and means to care about others and help those in need. Our students will show compassion in and out of the classroom by treating others with kindness.
This month we want to take time to express the importance of teaching tolerance, celebrating differences, and showing compassion. Parents and caretakers can teach tolerance by setting a good example in addition to many other things. KidsHealth’s article,
Things to try:
1. Show an attitude of respect for others.
2. Be aware of the way you speak about others who are different from yourself.
3. Answer questions children have about differences with honesty and respect. This demonstrates that it is okay to notice and discuss differences as long as it is done in a respectful manner.
4. Recognize and respect differences within your own family. Value the uniqueness of everyone in your family— their individual abilities, interests, etc.
5. Help children to build their self-esteem. When children value and respect themselves, they are more likely to treat others with mutual respect.
6. Create opportunities for children to work and play with others who are different from them.
Important Vocabulary:
Compassion- caring about others, treating them with kindness, and feeling a strong desire to help people in need
Tolerance- Accepting each others’ differences.
Diversity- Being made up of many different kinds of people.
Perseverance is our second code word, and means to continue in a course of action even in the face of difficulties.
As we continue to move further into the quarter/school year our students will begin to endure more challenges inside and outside of the classroom. One of the many roles we have as parents, caretakers, and staff is to foster learning and help our students build a toolbox they can use to help them persevere and be resilient when challenges arise.
Model problem solving within your home. Let your student see you struggle or share a time when you have had to overcome an obstacle.
Praise your student’s efforts, not their results, as praising efforts can lead to a fixed mindset and your student may think that their intelligence is unchangeable. Below are examples of ways to encourage your student without just using the phrase “good job”:
“Your hard work really shows.”
“How did you get to that answer?”
“Tell me what made you proud.”
“This is so creative!”
“I admire this because…..”